6:00-9:30 PM
6:00-8:30 PM
6:45-9:00 PM
6:00-8:30 PM
6:00-7:00 PM
9:00-12:00 PM
6:00-8:00 PM
In Martial Arts – I’ve spent 44 years on the mats after starting my martial training at the age of 5. Here’s a few of the things I’ve come to understand from combat arts over the years:
-Keep it real, fancy moves are for Hollywood.
-Train the way you expect to perform.
– All bodies have 1 neck to choke, 2 arms to lock and 2 legs to sweep… stay calm.
-Be humble, regardless of what your ego says, nobody knows everything.
-If you’re lucky enough to get past the physical training…We use our training as a tool to learn about the strengths we all have within ourselves. The potential damage our techniques can inflict on enemies teach us how fragile life really is; therefore, we come to understand that helping others and being kind is the right thing to do as a decent human being.
-We train to understand what honor, integrity and respect for OURSELVES and others really means.
I love my daughters. I will do my best to use martial arts training as a tool to help them understand these things too. So in turn, they may do the same for their children someday.
I’m excited to see what new lessons martial arts will bring me as I continue my own life journey of training.
-Phillip Yang, Shihan